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Would you wear a KKK shirt in public? Would you make an entire Youtube video explaining that you’re part of the KKK because “white people suffer too?” Because “White people die too” or “white people are raped too.” And imagine a world where you do this and it gets over 3 million likes and the majority of people are in support of that insanity. This is MENINISM. And as it would be racist to see this going on, it is sexist. AND ITS ALL IS WRONG. Imagine a world were a white boy can wear a KKK shirt to school and not be punished or sent home the whole day. Well I’ve seen boys leaving highschools, or even universities wearing MENINIST shirts. Loud and proud. And unpunished. Dont get me wrong, women do it too. Its insanity. In fact the youtube video mentioned earlier was not dealing with racism but rather was a woman listing statistics of the amount of men who have been raped etc. and using this as her argument towards the importance of meninism. So I hope others who have been oppressed can recognize this as wrong and help to change this society we live in. Help a sister out.

We live in a country where there has never been a female president. We live in a country were a career driven woman is seen as a bitch rather than a boss. We live in a country where many people will say we dont need feminism (granted some places need it more). We live in a country where a movement towards gender equality is viewed as annoying and “whiny” rather than strong. A country where feminists are viewed as crazy instead of powerful and smart. We live in a country where oppression still thrives in terms of race, sex, religion, etc. HOW IS MENINISM BEING CELEBRATED IT IS OPPRESSION, IT IS SEXISM.

Today I overheard an inspiring conversation between a 8 year old boy and a 7 year old girl that gave me so much hope for the future of society. The boy told his cousin to “be a lady” and this struck a nerve with me so I turned to see what was going on. Of course I had expected the worst but what he said next shocked me, in the best way possible. You have to be a lady, grow up and jump in the pool. You know like be a man but be a lady. That is an unedited version of exactly what this boy said. He was telling her to be brave, to be strong, to be a lady. Now i dont know if he was just naturally that wise or if his parents deserve serious props but whatever the case may be he taught me something. He taught me that when children of any gender are faced with situations, such as being scared to jump in a cold pool, they should be encouraged to be strong. Boy or girl.